Since I was in grade school, I started growing fish— aquarium fishes like gold fish, sword tail, angel fish, guramis and the likes. I once tried growing nemos (clown fish) and sea anemone but lasted only a month because of insufficient facilities, high maintenance and of course funding. Years later, my interest branched out with grandiosity. I became an arowana lover. I got a silver arowana which lived in solitude inside my 5 feet by 2 feet tank. It grew up fassssst, 2.5 feet— lavishly fed with millworms, gold fish and rats. Had it for nearly 4 years. Due to negligence and improper maintenance i guess, it kicked the bucket. Next swimmers grown were shark, then, local carps and now the real kois. I love these jap kois! I am amazed with their coloration, patterning, and scalation. Kois have limitless color variations—white, black, red, yellow, golden yellow, and cream. I love these sexy and graceful aquatic vertebrates... Grow a koi now!
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